Reactive & Maintenance Electrical Contractors

We provide clients with the correct lighting solution in line with current Health & Safety Guidelines to enable the right level, and the correct level of Emergency lighting for your offices, corridors, communal areas and escape routes.
More sophisticated lighting plans, are drawn up by an External Consultant to ensure that the Correct Lighting Levels are achieved to meet each application.
Detailed measurements are taken of the existing Area to be lit, followed by recommendations for replacement lighting, with diagrams, schematic hot and cold spots, and 3D imaging to provide the correct level of illumination to suit the client.
Although the initial cost of the equipment is higher than former products, cost savings in the Energy Usage are achieved from between months 9 - 14, with additional cost reductions as the lamps do not have to be changed for literally thousands of hours of use.
Full RAMS - Risk Assessments & Method Statements, are carried out, read, signed, and submitted to the Client prior to works commencing.
Working with the Clients, works can be carried in out of office hours, or by negotiation with office staff whilst they move from one area to another.
It is satisfying to know, for the end client that Photographs of works in progress, and the finished results are recorded, then submitted to clients during & completion of the works.
Call 01795 484 115 today for a free quote or contact us via the website.